Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Why do a fitness challenge?

Have you ever thought about giving a fitness challenge a go but have never actually taken the plunge?

If the answer to this is yes, then the most likely reason as to why you haven’t taken that leap may be because of all the unknowns that could potentially be attached to participating in a challenge.

This is completely normally if you are someone who feels this way, and this is precisely why taking on a fitness challenge might be the thing you are looking for to help shake up and spice up your fitness routine this year.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Burpees, are they really worth it?

Ready to elevate your fitness game? Dive into the world of burpees! Discover why these powerhouse exercises are a favorite among trainers and fitness enthusiasts alike. From sculpting your entire body to boosting your cardio endurance, burpees pack a punch like no other. Get ready to sweat, strengthen, and take your workout to new heights with the humble yet mighty burpee. Are you up for the challenge?

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Achieve Your Fitness Goals from Home: Yes, You Can!

Achieve your fitness goals from home with confidence! Yes, you can attain results through tailored home workouts. From investing in minimal equipment to carving out a dedicated space, discover the convenience and effectiveness of training at your own pace. Join us for a FREE trial and embark on your fitness journey today!

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

New Year, New You!

2024 has arrived and without sounding to cliche, now is the time to set some new goals and start the year of with a fresh mindset and routine. In this post I will briefly talk about tips to help you reset your mindset and routine when it comes to food and exercise!

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Our new class, Pilates

What is Pilates? Pilates is a low impact FULL BODY strength based workout. It is not the same as other other faster paced workouts, or your traditional strength training. Pilates is a discipline that focuses on 6 key principles. Breathe, centre, precision, control, concentration, and flow.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Learn what Terminator Fitness has to offer

This month, I thought I’d go a little different and talk about all of the different types of class styles and training we offer at Terminator Fitness. A lot of people may come across Terminator Fitness and possibly think all we have to offer is a high intensity style of training based on our name. However there is much more to us than that, and I am here to tell you exactly what this is. Our range of classes offer so much more than just high intensity for fitness. We offer a wide range of classes which is an all in one package, suitable for any fitness level. Our classes are designed to give YOU a well rounded exercise routine.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Exercise & Mental Health

Earlier this month it was Men’s Health Week, so that got me thinking about what I wanted to discuss in this short blog. How much exercise is really needed to ensure it becomes most beneficial to helping you feel mentally better after training?

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

How exercise can help reduce stress

If you haven’t heard this before you have now. Exercise does help reduce stress. However what does this really mean? In this little blog today I talk about how exercise helps reduce stress and the types of exercise that can help.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

3 yoga poses that can help with back pain

Back pain can be caused by a number of different factors, and at times it requires advice and support from your allied health professionals.

However often back pain is attributed to many reasons that can be treated by simply stretching the correct way and by incorporating exercises into your weekly routine that can help strengthen the muscles around of your core and around the spine.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

5 tips to help you stay motivated with exercise

As the weather starts to cool down and the days begin to get shorter, it’s only natural that we may feel like at times we are headed for a bit of a slump. So now is the time to have that little chat to yourself and ensure that doesn’t happen so you can stay your fittest and healthiest through the cold season. It’ll also help ward off any nasty bugs headed your way!

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Starting off your year strong and setting strong habits

As we prepare for another busy year it’s always important to evaluate your goals and make sure they are still valid for the year ahead.

Many people have now returned back from an extended break after a busy festive season and have started to think about what their fitness and health goals are this year and typically the fitness industry sees an uprise in new clientele at this time of year. It’s our job as personal trainers to ensure clients have their needs understood and a solution tailored so they can make a long term change as opposed to short term gain.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Wrapping up a big year

As we head towards the end of another year, it’s always great to reflect and remember the good times as well as what we have learnt over the past 12 months. It’s also a great time to let our hair down, enjoy some yummy food and enjoy the company of others. Today I reflect on a few key points over the past 12 months at Terminator Fitness as well as a couple of tips to help you stay healthy & active during the silly season.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Knowing when you’ve hit your limit

When it comes to exercise a lot of us are in the same boat by thinking we need to push ourselves to do better each time and in each session, but sometimes this can be to our own detriment. It’s a general misconception that in every session you have to smash it and push hard otherwise you don’t get anything out of it or get results. The truth is sometimes our bodies actually need to work at a different intensity for one reason or another.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

How bootcamp can improve your running performance

Are you a runner? Or are you thinking about getting into running?

A common goal that clients come to me with is that they’d like to be able to run 5km/10km without stopping or feeling like they are going to pass out from over exertion…

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

How much exercise is enough exercise?

When it comes to exercise and trying to workout (no pun intended!) how much you need to do on a weekly basis, it can be hard to find the right answer for some people. The truth is there is no golden rule. It really comes down to your long term goals and what success looks like for you.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

5 reasons why exercise with a friend is so effective

You’ve heard the saying; “things are better in two’s” right?

Well that line absolutely rings true for a lot of people when it comes to their training. I also know speaking from experience training on your own sometimes can be a little bit of a drag, and the time of your session can feel a lot longer compared to if you were working out with a buddy.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Making time for you and your fitness

How do I help myself make time for exercise?

It really comes down to self-discipline. I know as a personal trainer that this is a self taught skill. Nobody can make you do anything or make you learn a skill, it has to come from within. When I talk to my clients about staying on track or making sure they hit their exercise goals, I try to help them understand that they aren’t doing it for me but they are doing it for themselves.

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Getting back into exercise post Flu or COVID

So if you do get sick what is the right approach to take when it comes to getting back into exercise after you start to feel better? Or even the right approach starting a new exercise routine if you weren’t a regular exerciser before?

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Frank Terminelli Frank Terminelli

Why group training can help you stay on track with your fitness goals

One of the number one pieces of feedback that comes through from my clients about why they keep coming back week after week is that they love “the community” and the environment that we offer, because they remain engaged and motivated to come and get their workout done!

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