Wrapping up a big year

As we head towards the end of another year, it’s always great to reflect and remember the good times as well as what we have learnt over the past 12 months. It’s also a great time to let our hair down, enjoy some yummy food and enjoy the company of others. Today I reflect on a few key points over the past 12 months at Terminator Fitness as well as a couple of tips to help you stay healthy & active during the silly season.

After a bit of a delayed start to the year, we managed to finally celebrate in the last summer our Birthday Bonanza in February. It was an amazing day and the weather was on point. The success of running it in February as opposed to the usual January date showed us that it didn’t matter when we did it, because people still wanted to be there and support! I’m looking forward to doing it all again next year on 19th February 2023 to celebrate Birthday number 4! You can book your FREE tickets to the event HERE!

2022 saw us introduce in-person Yoga with Nat as well as branching out to a new suburb. I can’t believe it’s already been almost 12 months since we did this. Each addition to our timetable over the year has been received positively and it’s so great to continue giving our community what they want.

We also introduced a friendly new face to our team, Bessy. Bessy now takes her own Yoga Sculpt on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm! She has given so much to our members and has a great style and uniqueness about her which our members love. Her ideas have been great, and it’s helped me learn that working in a team with like minded people is so rewarding. This applies in all settings including your own training! That’s why I love group fitness, it’s all about the team work!

We have seen at least 30 new faces join the Terminator crew since the beginning of 2022. This may not seem like a lot to some people, particularly those running larger scale businesses, but it’s a pretty big deal to me! Being a sole trader and putting my heart and soul into my business means that I am so grateful to every single person who joins. The other key point is that we continue to grow and evolve and just like the past 4 years has shown me once people join this tribe they rarely leave! Thank you to all of my loyal clients no matter when you started, without you this community wouldn’t be what it is.

I’m looking forward to continuing on this awesome journey and spreading the Terminator love in 2023!

Now it’s time to sit back by the pool, put your feet up, have a couple of your favourite drinks, eat and be merry as we complete this lap around the sun. However, let’s remember to keep in mind these couple of tips so it’s not too hard to get back into your routine after the break:

  • Enjoy your food and indulgences, but don’t over do it! Be kind to your body, and remember there is such a thing of “too much of a good thing”.

  • It’s totally ok to take a few days off training, you’ve earned it! Try and get some walks in on these days so you can at least be a little bit active. Our bodies like it when we move around rather than sitting around to much.

  • Enjoy alcohol in moderation! Sure it’s the time to be merry but if you don’t actually feel like drinking, it’s ok to refuse a drink and stick to the sparkling water! Listen to your body.

  • Remember that you need to get back into routine once your break is over, try not to leave it to long after your break before your first session because then it becomes harder to kickstart again.

Thanks for reading and following along on our journey over 2022. From all of us here at Terminator Fitness have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Starting off your year strong and setting strong habits


Knowing when you’ve hit your limit