Burpees, are they really worth it?

I have no doubt you've probably heard of Burpees, whether you've done them yourself or just heard about them from others. These exercises are a common feature in the workouts of many trainers, especially those who run bootcamp or HIIT sessions.

So, "Why all the hype about burpees?" you might wonder.

Well, it's not so much about a love for the exercise itself, but more about the significant impact it has on your body. Burpees engage multiple muscle groups all at once, providing a full-body workout. From using your arms to push yourself up to powering off the ground with your legs, and the cardiovascular intensity that raises your heart rate, burpees offer a combination of strength training and cardio in one dynamic movement. I often say that the best exercises are those that rely solely on your body weight, as they use your natural strength without needing additional equipment.

Now, onto the question of why burpees are so challenging.

The difficulty level varies depending on individual fitness levels. While burpees are intended to be tough, they should still be manageable with effort. Modifications can be made to tailor the exercise to your abilities, such as skipping the chest-to-ground part or opting for a less intense variation like walking your feet in and out instead of jumping. In my Bootcamp Blackburn and Bootcamp Cranbourne sessions, I always provide different options to cater to the needs and abilities of my clients, ensuring that everyone can participate at a level that suits them best.

But what's the payoff for tackling these challenging exercises?

The benefits are endless. As mentioned earlier, burpees deliver a full body workout that elevates your heart rate and strengthens your muscles simultaneously. While there are certainly other exercises that engage the entire body, the repetitive up-and-down motion of burpees without pausing is particularly beneficial. If you think about how this can relate to many movements in your daily life—tasks like getting up from a chair, bending to tidy up, or working away in your garden all require similar actions. By incorporating burpees into a workout, you're allowing yourself to gain the functional strength needed to do these everyday tasks with much more ease, all while improving your overall health and fitness!

So, the next time you're faced with the challenge of a burpee (likely from your trainer!), remember that it's not just about get the exercise done, but about getting it done to enhance your strength, stamina, and overall well-being.

Now drop and give me 20 burpees!

For more tips and advice feel free to send me a message. To come along and try any of our classes including bootcamp, yoga or pilates please send me a message HERE for a FREE trial!


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