5 tips to help you stay motivated with exercise

As the weather starts to cool down and the days begin to get shorter, it’s only natural that we may feel like at times we are headed for a bit of a slump. So now is the time to have that little chat to yourself and ensure that doesn’t happen so you can stay your fittest and healthiest through the cold season. It’ll also help ward off any nasty bugs headed your way!

As we get closer to June and July we do often see some (not all) people want to retreat indoors and rug up under a blanket and their fitness then takes a back seat. So I thought now was a good time to give you some tips on how you can avoid that from happening and to help you keep your healthy habits up. This can be useful now and well into this year’s winter.

Here are my 5 tips that can help you stay active and healthy:

  1. Change your environment you train in to help you stay comfortable when you workout! We workout indoors during the cooler months here at Terminator Fitness and this is always a welcome change. Our members don’t like to freeze outdoors, however it also adds a different dynamic for 6 months of the year and allows us to change up the workouts to suit the environment, keeping everyone on their toes.

  2. Train with your mates! I’ve said this a few times and will continue to say it. Training with friends or family is one of the best tools you can have. It helps you stay on track and keep each other accountable but it also makes it fun! Just like our bootcamps a lot of people join with a friend and it then becomes more fun for them and the whole group too!

  3. Consider online training. Training online has it’s main benefit which is being able to do it from the comfort of your own home. You don’t necessarily need to train everyday from home however it can be useful particularly on the days where you just don’t want to brave the cold and would rather stay inside. This is also why we offer our members the option and variety of being able to train in person and online.

  4. Maintain a healthy diet! Did you know that this can directly affect the way you train and your performance? If you’re feeling sluggish during your workouts (Which in turn can then demotivate you) it could be because your diet needs a little tweaking. Give this a go and see how much better you feel during your training sessions!

  5. Set yourself a goal for the 3 winter months. Do you want to achieve a weight loss goal, do you want to participate in a fun run in the back end of this year? Think of something that can help you stay on track to work towards. Even if it’s a simple or small goal, it doesn’t always have to be big. You will know what is important to you!

Keep these in mind as we start to prepare and pull out those winter woolies. And remember these tips can be used all year round, they aren’t necessarily season specific!

To join any of our sessions mentioned above on a FREE trial, please contact me HERE!


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