How to stay on track at the start of your fitness journey!

Starting your fitness journey is always the hardest part, but I can assure you, once you do you’ll never look back. 

I have supported many wonderful clients over the years as they started their fitness journey. Setting goals and finding a trainer or support person/crew will really help you fall in love with exercising. It’s important to make it fun and enjoyable to create life-long habits. One of the most common things I see as a trainer is people either go too hard too fast at the start, or a client will achieve their goal quickly and then struggle to maintain the motivation after this. 

This got me thinking, why people do this and what I could do to help those who seek out my support? 

Unless we find a way to help ourselves to stick to any routine (fitness related or not) from the start then staying on track long term is less likely to be achievable.

What I want to do is provide insights about what worked for me when I started my fitness journey many years ago. I know I didn't have a smooth start and I wasn't "lucky" in terms of deciding to get fit & healthy and then that just magically happened. It took me a few goes to find what worked for me. I did have a few start-stop moments and I really do believe that made it harder for myself at times. 

Once I eventually found that magic formula that worked for me, I knew I had the right mindset and I knew that I was definitely going to stick at it. 12-13 years on and I haven't looked back. Now as a trainer, everyday I like to share what worked for me in hope that it helps my clients and everyone else out there struggling to stay on track and help them avoid setbacks and achieve the goals they want to.

So how did I find my "magic formula”?

What works for you isn't going to be the same as what worked for me or what works for anyone else, however, I do have some tips that did work for me and can almost be applied in everyone's world to help you find your groove and stay on track!

Frank's top 5 tips to help you stay on track:

1. Find something you love to do! This might seem obvious but sometimes we need to have it pointed out to us. When it comes to exercise you need to find something you enjoy, There's no point running 10 km if you don't like it for example. As soon as you are doing something you like you are more likely to want to get back there and do it again.

2. Get a workout buddy! This worked for me and still does today when I need a little pick me up. Working out in a group or with a friend makes it less like a chore. I've always been a fan of group fitness and that's one of the reasons I love my Bootcamps. You make new friends and get new workout mates, couldn't ask for a better deal than that!

3. Get professional nutrition advice & fix your diet! You do all this hard work training your body but if you're not complimenting it with a proper diet, you can easily slip into "there's no point if I'm not eating right, I'll just wait until I go on a diet again". The best way to stay on track and improve your diet is by seeking professional advice from your trainer or even a dietician because not everything you read on the web is 100% accurate.

4. Set goals! Of course, this might sound obvious too, however, if we don't set goals what are we even working towards? Think about what you want to get out of becoming fitter and healthier to help you. Remember to set your goal for how many times you plan to train and what is achievable each week too.

5. Schedule your week! This includes scheduling a meal plan for yourself as well as the exercise sessions you plan to smash out. Put it in your diary and keep yourself accountable.

If you’re thinking of getting back into fitness but not sure what to do? Consider Bootcamp! It’s a great mix of cardio and strength and it’s a lot of fun! I offer sessions both in-person Blackburn or Cranbourne or online. Take a look at my membership options or email for a free trial! 


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