Wrapping up 2021

Where to begin?

It’s been another big year! As we all know it’s been another interesting year and without going on about COVID too much, it does need to be said that whilst “it” once again threw us some challenges the Terminator tribe got through it together! I thought this post would be a great one to talk about and share what Terminator Fitness has achieved in 2021.

One of the most exciting things that happened this year for us was that we began to evolve. After many twists and turns, flipping from online to in person the natural evolution of my business started and Terminator Fitness was no longer just a bootcamp solution it became a solution for overall fitness! As this happened we introduced yoga to our online timetable and had the lovely Nat Marie Yoga join the team to run the sessions for us. Current and new members welcomed this with open arms. It is so great to have this option and for our members to understand and reap the benefits of yoga. It’s safe to say this has been one of the biggest successes this year!

Amongst all of that I managed to fracture my elbow after falling off my bike early on in the year. I had a long recovery ahead of me, however I pushed on and still managed to keep my crew motivated and keep them moving. Just because I was injured it didn’t mean everything had to stop. I had a great support network around me to help me get about and I can’t thank everyone enough for that! That was my first ever “serious” injury and it certainly taught me resilience.

The MOTIV8 ME challenge took place during winter, and this was so great to see us welcome some new members to the crew and see some of the current members get outside their comfort zones. Everyone that participated did an amazing effort. It was not about winning against anyone else, it was about winning against yourself to see how much fitness you could gain in 28 days. I can’t wait to bring the next challenge to you in 2022.

As the year continued there also became a clear need to expand further and offer more in person sessions, so we started work on this in the last quarter of the year. This also came from the natural evolution I spoke about above and I’m excited to share more details about this in early 2022. Stay tuned!

There are so many more things I could share including my new jeep! haha. But, I know you are all busy preparing for the holidays ahead! So I will keep this short.

Lastly I would just like to thank everyone that is part of the crew. I couldn’t do what I do each day if it wasn’t for all of you. Thanks for showing up to each session and thanks for all your effort and sweat! I’m looking forward to more bootcamps, personal training, and yoga with you in 2022!

Have a safe and happy Xmas & New Year!


Benefits of Yoga


Preparing for the silly season