Effective Low Impact Exercise

Sometimes when people think of low impact exercise, they can also think it’s not going to do much for them. Often as trainer’s we have to break this stigma down. Low impact exercises can be very effective and it is important we understand this. Yoga is an example and is the perfect type of low impact exercise that more and more people are connecting with today.

We all have different bodies and different abilities. We also have different likes & dislikes when it comes to exercise. This is why looking at all of your options is important when you are looking at getting into exercise to work out what is right for you.

What is low impact exercise?

Simply speaking low impact exercise is any form of movement or exercise that is gentle on your muscles and joints. Various low impact exercises can still get your heart rate up as well such as walking and cycling. And, as mentioned yoga is another type of low impact training. It is low cardio intensity and still works to strengthen and keep your muscles flexible.

Who is low impact exercise for?

Everyone! At one point or another you will find that you need to either pull back on your usual exercise routine, perhaps due to injury or another reason. It may even be you want to start with something light if you are new to exercise or getting back into it after time off.

Why would I choose a low impact workout?

Much like the who, there are different reasons as to why. Here are some of the common reasons as to why our members choose low impact exercises:

  • Mood. Sometimes you may only have the energy for something a little lighter.

  • Progression. Yoga for example can help you progress in some of your other workouts by helping you improve your muscle flexibility.

  • Enjoyment. Some people don’t enjoy getting all hot and sweaty so keeping it lighter is perfect!

  • Injury/Medical conditions. Due to your own medical history your doctor may not want you putting your body under to much stress, so choosing something light could be exactly the type of movement your body needs.

Remember to always listen to your body and the advice of your medical professional when it comes to choosing the right exercise for you!

To come and try one of our lovely yoga classes either online or in person, head on over to the home page and request your free trial!


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